Painting For Habitat for Humanity

The ISEC Foundation also "pays it forward" by rewarding the altruistic and compassionate nature of ISEC employees. Each quarter, ten employees are randomly selected to pass along a $1,500 special grant to the 501(c)(3) charity of their choice.
To give back to our local community, some corporate office members helped paint materials that would later be used to build houses with Habitat for Humanity in Denver. “As a new hire at the time, it was nice to see how ISEC gives back and to meet my co-workers. Sometimes the best thing you can give to give back is your time, and it was cool to see that in action on this day.” -Michael Manwaring, Marketing Coordinator.
Hillary Mullins, ISEC Business Development, is going into her third year as the Volunteer Chair for SHE Builds Houston. Leading the charge in reframing how children and parents view a career in the trades, Hillary and the rest of SHE Builds Houston provide opportunities for young women to explore the trades early and recognize them as viable career options. This year’s event was held on March 21st in Katy, TX, and over 1,400 7th and 8th-grade students attended!
“When I got home, my daughter said to me ‘Hey, Mom, my friend was there today, and she said to tell you THANK YOU, it was so much fun.”
A special shout out to ISEC booth lead Belle Taylor, and booth volunteers Victoria Brambila, Nick Gratz, Colby Guthmann, Daniel Garcia, Jeff Eggleston, and Shana Egolinsky!
What’s a better way to team-build than by helping your community end hunger and malnutrition through over 300 local charities, soup kitchens and organizations? Our Southern California Region packaged food for the Community Action Partnership of Orange County Food Bank, who served over 1 million people last year and distributes more than 23 million pounds of food a year.
The United Food Bank is located in Mesa, AZ and is only about a 5 minute drive from our Office. The United Food Bank is a member of Feeding America and collaborates with more than 145 partner agencies/programs to help feed families, children and seniors. This is a local charity to Arizona and the communities they help to serve are located in: Gila, Pinal, Southern Apache and Navajo Counties, and East Valley of Maricopa County.
At our volunteer event we were tasked with building emergency food bags that would be distributed to families in our local community. During our shift, volunteers packaged a total of 1,040 bags of emergency food (one bag of food feeds a family of 4)!